Sweet Chilli Sauce

Thai sweet chilli sauce is a marvellous thing, especially when paired with Sweetcorn fritters. 
I was surprised how easy it was to recreate. 


12 red birds’ eye chilli

12 garlic cloves

30g root ginger 

300ml water

200g white sugar

30ml white vinegar

30ml light soy sauce 

10g salt

1tsp cornstarch


In a large saucepan add the sugar then pour in the water, vinegar and soy sauce.  The sugar should dissolve. Turn up the heat a little to bring to a gentle simmer for five minutes.

Meanwhile blitz the chillies, ginger and garlic in a food processor and pulse until roughly chopped. 

Add the mixture to the pan and simmer for 5 minutes. 

Place cornstarch in a small bowl and ladel some of the liquid from the sauce a little at a time, stirring it into a roux. Then add to the saucepan.

Continue to simmer for a further 5 minutes or more to allow the sauce to thicken. It should have a sticky consistency but still runny, not thick like a jam. 

Allow to cool. It will thicken more. 

Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.


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