Currywurst sauce


Currywurst is a Berlin institution, apparently influenced by British soldiers' love for Indian spices. Whatever the inspiration the curry spiked tomato ketchup poured over a sausage is genius.  There are some great veggie sausages out there. (I used a vegan bratwurst from Beyond Meat)


500ml tomato ketchup

35g mild curry powder

10g garam masala

5g / 10g chilli powder, to taste

25ml veg oil

30g brown sugar

25ml vegetarian Worcester Sauce (Henderson's)


In a saucepan heat the oil on a medium heat. 

Add the curry powder, garam masala and chilli powder. Stir well and cook for a minute until the spices release their oils. Stir constantly so the mix doesn't catch and burn.

Add the sugar and worcester sauce. Cook for a further minute before slowly pouring in the ketchup, stirring all the while.

Allow to cool before pouring it back into the ketchup bottle using a funnel.


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