Blueberry Pancakes

These are what Sunday brunches were made for!

makes about 6
100g blueberries
125g self-raising flour
150ml milk
1 egg
4 tsp caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
veg oil

to serve 
agave syrup

In a large bowl mix together the flour, caster sugar, baking powder and a pinch of salt.

Next, separate the egg into to small bowls. Pour the yolk into a jug and add the milk and vanilla extract. Stir well.

Pour the liquid into the bowl and whisk well to form a thick batter.

Quickly whisk the egg white into soft peaks and fold into the batter.

Heat a small non-stick frying pan and grease lightly with some oil. Pour in enough batter to make a small pancake. Drop 6-8 blueberries evenly onto the pancake.  Once the batter appears to be cooked i.e. small bubbles should appear flip the pancake over using a spatula.

Transfer to a warm plate whilst you repeat the process.

Serve 3 pancakes per person, layered with a drizzle of agave syrup in between each pancake.


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