We ate them as often as we could! The first and the best were in a taverna called To Pefko in Andipata near Fiskardo.
makes 12
500g courgettes, grated
2 tblsp olive oil
1 onion (small), grated
80g plain flour (plus extra for coating)
1 tsp baking powder
100g Kefalotiri cheese (alternative use pecorino)
40g fine dried bread crumbs
3 eggs, lightly beaten
4 tblsp fresh mint, finely chopped
salt and pepper
veg oil (for deep frying)
Put the grated courgette into a colander, sprinkle with a little salt, (hardly a teaspoon) and let it drain for about hour. Gently press the courgette between the palms of your hands to squeeze out the liquid.
Heat some olive oil in a frying pan. Add the onion and cook for 3-5 minutes until softened.
Sift together the flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Then combine together the flour mixture with courgette, onion, cheese, bread crumbs, eggs and the mint. Season with salt and pepper. The mixture should be loose yet just firm enough to hold its shape. If it's too soft then add more bread crumbs. Chill the mixture in the refrigerator to firm up.
Heat veg oil in a deep-fat fryer to 180-190C. Using two tablespoons shape the mixture into balls and then deep-fry a few at the time until golden brown on all sides.
Drain on paper towels and serve hot with Tzatziki or any other type of dip.
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